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SAX parsers are not required to supply a locator, but they are very strongly encouraged to do so. If the parser supplies a locator, it must do so before reporting any other document events. If no locator has been set by the time the application receives the event, the application should assume that a locator is not available. Since: SAX 1.0 Version: 2.0.1 (sax2r2) Author: David Megginson See Also: Method Summary int () Return the column number where the current document event ends. Int () Return the line number where the current document event ends. Java.lang.String () Return the public identifier for the current document event.

I don't have a direct answer to your question (which SAX parser is included in which JDK version), but: You shouldn't write programs that depend on undocumented implementation details (such as the particular XML parser used under the covers by Java). By default, the class also implements the parse method of the XMLReader interface using the feed, close and reset methods of the IncrementalParser interface as a convenience to SAX 2.0 driver writers.
Use the 'org.xml.sax.driver' property to locate the SAX2 driver to embed. Throws: SAXException - If the embedded driver cannot be instantiated or if the org.xml.sax.driver property is not specified.
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By: Ruben Misrahi - rnmisrahi System property org.xml.sax.driver not specif 2003-02-27 06:20 I get this using JBuilder8. Any idea why? By: ernest du plessis - linksar RE: System property org.xml.sax.driver not specif 2003-03-20 01:01 Did you use System.setProperty('org.xml.sax.driver'); in your program? By: Suraj Amin - suraj_amin RE: System property org.xml.sax.driver not sp 2003-03-20 04:30 The exact cmd would be: System.setProperty('org.xml.sax.driver', 'org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser'); or just pass -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser to the java cmd -- Regards, Suraj Amin Homepage: /* May the source be with you */ By: Suraj Amin - suraj_amin RE: System property org.xml.sax.driver not sp 2003-03-20 04:32 Sorry forgot to mention that you would also have to add the xerces lib to your Jbuilder project.
SetDTDHandler ( handler ) Set the current. If no is set, DTD events will be discarded. GetEntityResolver ( ) Return the current.
Locator Class SUMMARY: NESTED FIELD CONSTR DETAIL: FIELD CONSTR org.xml.sax Interface Locator All Known Subinterfaces: All Known Implementing Classes:, public interface Locator Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location. This module, both source code and documentation, is in the Public Domain, and comes with NO WARRANTY. See for further information. If a SAX parser provides location information to the SAX application, it does so by implementing this interface and then passing an instance to the application using the content handler's method. The application can use the object to obtain the location of any other SAX event in the XML source document. Note that the results returned by the object will be valid only during the scope of each callback method: the application will receive unpredictable results if it attempts to use the locator at any other time, or after parsing completes.
In addition to the most useful dictionary operations, it supports a number of other methods as described by the interface. Objects of this class should be instantiated by readers; attrs must be a dictionary-like object containing a mapping from attribute names to attribute values.
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